March 07, 2018
How to fix a loose toilet seat
How hard is it to tighten a loose/wobbly Toilet Seat? Or should I change my Toilet Seat because the fittings have come loose?? The answer to that question is not always. The question is, do you sure you need a new toilet seat? Can you fix the one you have? Please continue reading and for further information please ring us on 01482291992 or email with all your questions. Well maybe I should reframe the question to ‘’How to Stop the Toilet Seat from Shifting Sideways’’ or ‘’Loose toilet - how to fix a rocking toilet bowl or seat’’ or ‘’Adjusting a Loose Toilet Seat’’ no matter how you frame the question it is the same solution (Fix).
What Causes a Wobbly Toilet Seat/Loose Toilet Seat?
A loose toilet seat is a common problem caused by the constant opening,